Wednesday, March 30, 2011


2 days ago,someone called me.A guy.Turns out,he was my secret admirer since I was 12 years old!Oh my,I have a strong dislike[hate] towards this guy.He addressed himself as "abg"[bro]My heart was saying"Ha?!Since when did you become my brother?!"Eeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...I really don't like you,ok?!He kept asking about me,my sister,brother.,etc. I didn't even gave him appropriate answer.Each time he utter a question,I will rather answer like this.."ahha/uhum/ya/no/err/*laugh insincerely*/ok".Sheesh~Luckily,Mia called me about 2-3 minutes when I'm having  "conservation" with him. 
[Oh,Mia!You saved my day!]

*He told me to talk nicely to this guy.Nice advice dude!

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