Monday, March 28, 2011


This girl is so talkative,her voice is so loud and could be heard at the end of the corridor!(Haha!"Lebat",woo ops,my bad!)
I've been by her side when she cry/talk/shout/cheer/etc..

Being hardworking,she doesn't give up easily.If she wants something,then she'll have it [in any kind of way.Quite creepy though] but if she can't get the things she is so fond of,she'll get over it[but it takes time]and set for another target.Simple,right?

Once she is mad with someone,well,you better watch out!She can just throw her tantrum to whoever she wants.[Haha.Sorry Mia.]

She call me Serr and everytime she did that,I'll call her Maieya[MA-IE-YA]
To guys out there,she already has a boyfriend[too late]Psst!That is NOT her boyfriend.Faris is our junior.

Her level of maturity changes depending on who she's with.Easy-going and cheerful,she could be friend to anyone.

*I miss you pal.=)

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