Sunday, March 27, 2011


Ahha!This guy..Ok...Hahaha.Knew him when I was in Form 4.There are so many things that I can describe about him but where should I begin?

Hurmm...A perfectionist,talented guy(but he won't show it.),looks handsome in "Baju Melayu"
[A Malay traditional outfit for guys.Anyway,he's the one who said it,actually,I never see him in this attire]
I can't describe too much about him in my blog.He's kinda shy..[yeah right]Hahaha

Last but not least,he is my _______
(stalker/punching bag/radio/weight machine/DEVIL/angel/adviser/lawyer/doctor/philosopher/etc.)
Pick one answer.

*Haven't seen him for a long time.=)

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